Curia pl. Belošević

One-storey house with a rectangular ground plan, belošević manor is located not far from the center of hrašćina. It was built by Dragojlo Kušlan in the 19th century. St. as the last “house” on pressure. The basic floor plan disposition has been preserved in its entirety as well as the structural and building elements. On the south side, along the façade stretches a covered ganjak, supported by wooden carved columns. Under the porch is the entrance to the house. Not far from the house there is a former outbuilding, today converted into guest rooms. In one of them is preserved an old grape press from 1834. g.

Location: Hrašćina, Trgovišće 50
Classification: profana architectural heritage
Time of creation: 19. St.

Cultural property code: Z-4534
Type: immovable cultural property – individually
Legal status: protected cultural property


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