Lovrečan Castle in Lovrečan

Lovrečan Castle, near the village of the same name in the Municipality of Zlatar-Bistrica, is located on a large estate south of the Zabok – Zlatar road. It was raised at the crossing 18. into the 19th century. On the east side in the 20th century, two parallel single-storey houses were added to the castle, which disturbed the harmony and beauty of the volume. Lovrečan Castle occupies an important place in the overview of the single-winged castles of Hrvatsko Zagorje. With its spatial structure, it brings significant changes to the hitherto common scheme based on the axial symmetrical organization of space.

Under the designation Z-2086 it is listed as an immovable cultural property – individually, legal status of protected cultural property, classified as “profane architectural heritage”.

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Turistička zajednica

Zlatni istok Zagorja